This year is our best yet!

IT Hot Topics Conference is now two days, packed full of technical breakouts, roundtables, workshops, keynotes and our special CXO Focus Sessions. We’re pleased to offer this great lineup, with presentations by industry experts from across the country. Plus, you can earn CPE credits for attending!

Join us again at the beautiful Grandover Resort and Conference Center, conveniently located in Greensboro, North Carolina.

For the techies, Thursday is dedicated to technical breakout sessions. We’re also hosting two exclusive half-day Workshops Friday afternoon for those of you ‘in the trenches’.

Technical attendee information.

For the CXOs and Directors, we’re hosting a special Thursday evening reception, by invitation only, followed by Friday CXO Focus Sessions you don’t want to miss! And, as always, after the conference, we wrap up the festivities with our Hot Topics Golf Tourney.
Director and CXO attendee information.

The conference is free for qualified attendees, and participation in the Hot Topics Golf Tourney Friday afternoon is optional.