‘The Savvy CIO’s Guide to Planning a Mobile-First Enterprise’ comes to Charlotte on Tuesday March 29 and Raleigh on Thursday March 31. Registration is now open to industry professionals to participate in a discussion that will explore how today’s enterprises can most effectively manage employee mobile device integration without running into common enterprise network security disasters.

Carolina Advanced Digital Vice President of Engineering Jennifer Minella is headlining an upcoming event titled ‘The Savvy CIO’s Guide to Planning a Mobile-First Enterprise.’ The event is being held on two dates in March and is open to corporate CIOs, CISOs, Vice Presidents and Directors responsible for technology, mobile integration and network security topics.

Mobile integration is critical in today’s enterprise environment, however many companies are finding out the hard way that bringing mobile on board without an effective security strategy simultaneously in place is a recipe for disaster. The conversation will focus on 5 concepts critical to leading an enterprise through successful implementation of resilient and secure networks:

  1. Newer is better, except when it’s not
  2. There are still wires, silly
  3. K.I.S.S. is still king for security
  4. Interoperability will save your a$$
  5. SDN is coming, but NAC is here

“Most companies don’t realize until it’s too late that their mobile integration scheme has created a systemic, enterprise-wide security crisis,” said Jennifer Minella. “This event is an effort to help companies get ahead of the mobile integration/security curve and prevent disasters before they happen. Just a little planning and awareness can eliminate massive hassles and costs, and knowing these concepts will allow attendees to generate proven and actionable remediation strategies.”

Jennifer is an experienced public speaker and media adviser for information security topics. She participates globally in helping ensure a safe and secure cyber world as a member of the international Board of Directors for (ISC)2 and also locally, as a member of steering committees with NCTA’s Cyber Security Network and Knowledge Workforce Network.

‘The Savvy CIO’s Guide to Planning a Mobile-First Enterprise’ is being held in two locations:

Charlotte, NC – Tuesday March 29, 2016 @ 4pm – 6pm
Olde Mecklenburg Brewery
4150 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217
Please join us for a Happy Hour mixer after the event!

Raleigh, NC – Thursday March 31, 2016 @ 11:30am – 1:30pm
18 Seaboard Restaurant
18 Seaboard Ave #100, Raleigh, NC 27604

Registration is limited and currently open for both events. For registration or more information, please email customercare@cadinc.com.

About Jennifer Minella

Author, speaker, and senior consulting engineer Jennifer Minella is currently VP of Engineering with Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. An internationally-recognized speaker and expert on network security, Jennifer has spoken at NSA’s Trusted Computing Conference, RSA, Interop, Infosec World, and others across the globe on network security, wireless, and network access control. Jennifer’s technical background covers specialized areas of infrastructure security and wireless technologies. In her engineering role, Jennifer leads strategic research and consulting for government agencies, educational institutions, and Fortune 100 and 500 corporations. In addition to her normal business roles, Mrs. Minella is a published author, editorial contributor, and trusted adviser for information security topics to media, and serves on the international Board of Directors for (ISC)2, the largest nonprofit certifying body for information security.

About Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.

Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. is a nationally-recognized leader in technology infrastructure and security solutions. Family owned and operated since 1985, the company provides exceptional engineering services and products to government, education, healthcare, and commercial clients across the United States, including Fortune 100 and 500 companies, the Department of Defense, and civilian agencies. Headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, Carolina Advanced Digital has offices and resources in North Carolina, Florida and Texas.