scitda_logo_4Last week, Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. attended the 2013 SCITDA Fall Conference in Columbia, SC. This conference brought together over 50 different government agencies and higher education institutions in South Carolina. Meghan Balfrey, our Marketing & Communications Manager attended SCITDA for the first time on behalf of Carolina Advanced Digital. We also sponsored a vendor showcase presentation , hosted by Louis Simpson, Systems Engineer with our partner, Meru Networks. Meru Networks wireless LANs are specifically designed for environments where high-density wireless traffic depends on business-critical applications, and where BYOD is pervasive.

    The highlight of the conference was showing off our new conference booth that was hot off the presses. The new design was received well by conference attendees and our Facebook fans. We look forward to the next event where we can show off our new conference booth!


    Overall the conference went extremely well and we look forward to attending SCITDA in 2014!