Carolina Advanced Digital releases ‘Content Filtering in Schools: Best Practices for K-12? by Jennifer Jabbusch

SILER CITY, NC – May 3, 2006- Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc., today released a comprehensive white paper detailing best practices for content filtering in K-12 education environments.

The twenty-five page document identifies and categorizes a variety of Internet risks in schools and provides detailed information on threats and remediation. Carolina Advanced Digital’s best practices guide brings to light both physical and virtual risks associated with popular teen websites such as, Facebook, Xanga as well as instant messaging and chat sites. The white paper also addresses a variety of legal and security risks that come along with common peer to peer (P2P) and file sharing applications including Kazaa, Morpheus and BearShare.

Not only does the document identify potentially hazardous sites, but also outlines an easy to follow system for administrators to evaluate and document online content within their schools. Overall, the guide addresses a variety of topics, helps educators and parents identify harmful sites, provides a methodical system and offers suggestions on how to control or block certain types of Internet traffic.

In the introduction, these goals for the white paper are outlined:
– Ability for teachers and parents to identify potential risks
– Restrict as little content as necessary
– Maintain children’s physical and emotional safety
– Limit vulnerabilities on your network (or home PC)
– Stay within the confines of laws and regulations (current and upcoming)

The document was created in response to interest from several of Carolina Advanced Digital’s education customer and as an answer to a recent roundtable discussion.

Content Filtering in School: Best Practices for K-12 is available in PDF format on Carolina Advanced Digital’s website at and distribution by schools, government and libraries is openly allowed.

View Content Filtering in School: Best Practices for K-12 (PDF)

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Carolina Advanced Digital
PO Box 318, Siler City, NC 27344