March 17, 2009

    On Tuesday, CISO and Network Security Specialist Jennifer Jabbusch addressed wireless security for the U.S. Secret Service’s Electronic Crimes Task Force (USSS ECTF) at their quarterly meeting at the Charlotte field office.  Jabbusch explained the technical aspect of how wireless networks, phones and devices can put individuals and their families and organizations at risk and how to implement intelligent security. She accompanied Jack Wiles, president of The Training Co. and renowned physical security pen-tester, who further addressed physical security issues.

    “Wireless networking is turning from luxury to requisite in the enterprise world as the last few holdouts in government and high-risk commercial are starting to sprout antennas,” said Jabbusch.

    “Securing airborne communications is a never-ending task as we struggle to keep ahead of network hackers and data snatchers. As security professionals, we’re always just a step ahead of the curve with wireless technologies.”

    Among the 70 or more attendees were Secret Service agents, electronic crime and fraud investigators, law enforcement officers and at-risk private sector agencies, including financial institutions and large commercial organizations.

    The next day, Jabbusch had already received half a dozen emails from guests.  One organization noted that ”as an immediate outcome of the presentation, we are now preparing a security bulletin to encourage all laptop users to address these specific threats.”

    For more information on wireless security, contact Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. at 800-435-2212.

    Jennifer Jabbusch speaks to USSS.

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