Carolina Advanced Digital will be exhibiting and presenting at NCET 2007 in Greenville, NC. Overview of presentations is below.

Title: VLANs: Planning VLANs in Education Environments
Overview: When and how to design and implement VLANs on your school network. Get the down and dirty on VLAN planning and management using the Route Concept Diagram and get the information you need to add security to your network using VLANs. *Referenced drawings and RCD documents are not included for security purposes. The RCD is a proprietary methodology developed by Carolina Advanced Digital for internal use.
Presented by John Jabbusch, President & Chief Engineer, Carolina Advanced Digital

Title: Firewalls & UTMs: Tech Review & Round Table
Overview: Brief technical overview of firewalls, including comparison of stateful inspection and deep packet inspection functions. Overview of UTM (Unified Threat Management) history and products. Exploring UTMs to supplement the limits of firewalls for mitigating risks past layers 3 and 4. Open round table discussion with best practices and Q&A. *Thanks to SonicWall for the use of several slide graphics in this presentation.
Presented by  Jennifer Jabbusch and John Jabbusch

Title: 802.1X: Background, Theory & Implementation
Overview: Increase network security with 802.1X for wired and wireless networks. Learn what 802.1X is, how it works and how to migrate to 802.1X on your network. Live demo also presented during this session.
Presented by Jennifer Jabbusch, CISSP, HP MASE, Carolina Advanced Digital & Neal Hamilton, HP ProCurve

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