A love child of a video podcast and webinar, our new Tech Talk series will be sure to amaze and entertain. In these casual sessions, our engineering team will lead discussions on today’s top technology trends, answer client questions, and discuss solutions. Expect a few slides with a lot of ad-hoc conversation mixed with some demos. Tech Talk is our way of bringing you a no-bull look at technology and products. Hosted by our VP of Engineering and Security Jennifer Minella with cameos from our engineering team and select partners.

Here’s the Q3 lineup.

Follow more events at https://cadinc.com/calendar .

Thurs, July 23, 2-4 pm Eastern
Tech Talk Ep 1: Contact Tracing and Mist AI Wi-Fi

Join us for the first of our Thursday Tech Talk series with the Carolina Advanced Digital crew. In this episode, we have a friend from Mist joining us to talk about returning safely to work with contact and proximity tracing inside the organization, how it’s different than the public-private app partnerships, and then we’ll hop over to a demo of Mist’s AI-based Wi-Fi, show you what’s going on in our office, and offer a sneak peek at some upcoming news.

Thurs, Aug 6th, 2-4 pm Eastern
Tech Talk Ep 2: Planning for NAC and intro to FortiNAC

From the team that’s brought you successful NAC implementations for over 15 years! Join us for the second Tech Talk episode with the Carolina Advanced Digital crew. In this episode, Mark and Jen (and Ron if we can coax him) will cover:

  • a vendor-neutral look at planning for NAC
  • best and common practices plus “gotchas”
  • phased approaches for implementing NAC
  • vendor comparisons
  • a short intro to FortiNAC including a demo
  • updates on the product roadmap (at least whatever we can share that’s not NDA).

In future Tech Talks we’ll be covering Aruba’s ClearPass, and vendor-neutral topics of dynamic segmentation and Zero Trust Network architectures. This first NAC session will lay some groundwork for later.

Thurs, Aug 20, 2-3 pm Eastern
Tech Talk Ep 3: What’s New in Wi-Fi

In our third shorter episode, we’ll take a vendor-neutral look at the Wi-Fi technology and trends shaping today and tomorrow. Join Shital and Jen for the latest trends in WiFi 6 (802.11ax), WiFi 6e, cloud-managed solutions, security integrations, CBRS, and more. We’ll talk about what’s real, what’s hype, and how to start planning for what’s on the horizon. Since it’s a shorter session we’ll try to manage Q&A throughout.

Thurs, Sep 3rd, 2-3 pm
Tech Talk Ep 4: Securing a Remote Workforce- 10 things you missed

Join Tech Talk episode 4 with the Carolina Advanced Digital crew. In this episode, Jen along with the engineering team will take a look back at the chaos of COVID-19 as organizations scrambled to work through remote access and the cleanup we need to do afterward.