The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the majority of organizations remote, and workers have turned to video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting and Microsoft Teams to keep the ball rolling. As expected, major security issues have emerged on these...
The Future of Cybersecurity: COVID-19 Impacts
Cybersecurity was important pre-COVID-19, and it will be even more important post-COVID-19. As people around the globe are required to work from home, telework is becoming engrained into the fabric of billions of organizations, whether they like it or not. Does this...
COVID-19 Cybersecurity Checklist: 4 Steps to Secure Remote Workers
COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus, has imposed tremendous impacts on economies, financial markets, hospitality, tourism, manufacturing and transportation industries worldwide. As this virus continues to spread rapidly, many businesses and schools are closing...
4 Easy Connectivity Options for a Remote Workforce- COVID-19 Response
Right now, many of our clients are looking for ways to support a suddenly remote workforce, as the impact of COVID-19 ripples through the U.S. There are several ways your organization can support a remote workforce, and here we share a few common options along with...
Tech Q&A: Will my current infrastructure support client VPNs?
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations are asking some variation of the question “will my infrastructure support remote access for my employees”. This is evident by the fact that VPN usage in the U.S. grew by 53% between March 9th and 15th...
The Best of Both Worlds: Data Privacy Regulations and Enhanced Security Postures
For years, European data privacy laws have eclipsed those in the U.S., but the tides may be changing. To safeguard the increasing amounts of digital data, policy makers in the U.S. are focused on adopting stringent regulations to push the data privacy initiative....
Free Cyber Threat Assessment Offer- Security, Productivity, Performance
Gauge Your Current Security, Productivity and Performance at No Cost Carolina Advanced Digital, in conjunction with partner Fortinet, will be conducting Cyber Threat Assessments for customers. Assessments are being offered at no cost for a limited time and include...