How to Write a Killer Switch RFP for eRate

How to Write a Killer Switch RFP for eRate

Click here to watch our webcast that we hosted on November 20th titled “4 Tips for Writing a Killer Switch RFP for eRate.” To meet the requirements of USAC and other RFP requirements, it’s strongly recommended to include enough detail in your RFP or Form 470 to allow...

How to Write a Killer Switch RFP for eRate

Why your Apple iOS 7 device won’t connect to the WiFi network

Recently Apple released an iOS 7 update for iPhones and iPads.  Since the release, customers have reported that iOS 7 devices are having issues connecting to their wireless networks. This issue occurs if the Apple device believes it can’t access the Internet. As part...

How to Write a Killer Switch RFP for eRate

Content Filtering in Schools: Best Practices

Carolina Advanced Digital releases ‘Content Filtering in Schools: Best Practices for K-12? by Jennifer Jabbusch SILER CITY, NC – May 3, 2006- Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc., today released a comprehensive white paper detailing best practices for content filtering in...