CIOs share their secrets to unplugging on vacation [CIO]

CIOs share their secrets to unplugging on vacation [CIO]

from CIO Magazine IT executives have learned how to build strong, reliable and trustworthy teams so that no one person is the single point of contact. That not only allows for more efficiency, it lets CIOs unplug on summer vacations. ... “I put a lot of stock into a...

One trick for best match and best pricing on eRate networking gear

One trick for best match and best pricing on eRate networking gear

If you’ve seen any of the USAC training for eRate, you know it says schools shouldn’t submit 470s that require specific manufacturers or part numbers, but should instead provide a list technical requirements, or list a specific part number with an “or equivalent”...

One trick for best match and best pricing on eRate networking gear

Security: The Good, the Bad, and the Alternative [DarkMatters]

from Norse Security Dark Matters I began this third blog post by begging the question, “are women underrepresented and smacked down in the Infosec community?” With an industry that is dominated by men — I blatantly stated that I had heard both sides of the coin. From...

One trick for best match and best pricing on eRate networking gear

Carolina Advanced Digital Brings NCTA Tech Tour to the Triangle

Statewide tour highlights the vibrancy of the North Carolina tech sector Carolina Advanced Digital is a founding member of the North Carolina Technology Association (NCTA), and to help NCTA celebrate its 20th anniversary this year, we’re sponsoring the NC Tech Tour...

One trick for best match and best pricing on eRate networking gear

ILTA Annual Conference

CAD network specialist Jennifer Jabbusch will be speaking on the Endpoint Security and Network Access Control Panel discussion at the 2008 ILTA Conference in Grapevine, TX. ILTA 2008 Conference August 25-28, 2008 Gaylord Texan, Grapevine, TX Visit ILTA 2008 Website