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Iran Cyber-Response: 4 Recommendations for Defending Your Organization from Nation-State Attacks

While we offer services to review and assess firewall rules for security, if you have the resources in-house, organizations can tackle this by configuring rules to log (audit mode) temporarily and reviewing the to see which are being used. If it hasn’t already been done (and documented) further research should be done to review the in-use rules, identify the resources in play, and make sure there’s a business case documented for each policy or rule set.

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Why Choose Us?

We have certified engineering expertise in all the solutions we offer, including network planning and integration, backup & disaster recovery, security, archiving and compliance. There are many benefits to working with an engineering-focused partner such as...
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Best Pricing

The certifications we maintain afford us the best pricing level with our partners. Even though we’re a small company, our engineering expertise allows us to win your business with best pricing and certified services. Resources for New Customers Why Choose CAD?...
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Qualified Presales Support & Design

Our extensive expertise allows us to provide engineering-level pre-sales support and project planning and design to help you evaluate needs and specify a solution that offers the best results and the best pricing for you. Network Design Services Network Security...
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